Saturday, March 28, 2009

April 2nd was the birthday of master storyteller Hans Christian Andersen and the day chosen as International Children's Book Day. The day is sponsored by IBBY (The International Board on Books for Young People) which has been working for many years to bring together children and books.
Our library display shows the attractive poster and below it, children's picture books in English, featuring tales from all parts of the globe, and to the side, a range of children's books in various languages.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Back to books- "Gargoyle" by Andrew Davidson

Back to Books- I'm so happy to read- a little imagination fills the universe!
Closer to earth, this week's book develops from a car accident which leaves the driver horrendously burnt. The graphic description of burns treatment would normally have me shutting the book-but such is the skill of the writer I found it engrossing. The main character was loathsome; a once beautiful drug addict who runs a porn film company. The story centres on the theme of his redemption by love. But what a story! The heroine (and I use the term fully) is a sculptor of gargoyles who claims to have been his lover, when he was a mercenary, and they met when she was a novice scholar in a medieval monastery. The characters they knew in the past, and the people they affect in the present interweave to form an original masterpiece.

The book's title is simple and like the story effective. "Gargoyle" and the author is Andrew Davidson.