Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Go Animate - double, double, toil and...

This is a link to my animation-  hope you enjoy it.
I had considerable trouble accessing the scene I wanted-evidently I was hitting the wrong button as I kept getting the blank screen, when I wanted the Monsters' scene.
Finally, found the secret tabs and from then on I had " fun". I made one with music but was not happy with it,  so that was not saved: started again and as I had accidentally discovered how to make witchy slightly less rotund, had better proportion. Had almost completed it and tried to save, but it came up asking for a title etc. and as I was not ready for that, I  panicked and hit  x and lost the lot!
The last time I tried a few more Cut and add scenes.   After previewing the scene where I had wanted an earthquake, on the word "rubble," I found  the earthquake effect activated
too late, so I made a note to edit later and carried on.  When I previewed the final shoot, I was able to go back one scene and fix it, but couldn't get scenes further back.  
Given heaps of time I would edit some scenes a little tighter and cut the length of the closeups...but it is a beginner's effort!

1 comment:

ACL web 2.1 said...


Great to read that you had fun with GoAnimate. Thanks for cutting and pasting the link to your GoAnimate however you actually need to enbed it. If you are not sure of how to do that you can ask a colleague or give me a call on ext: 6915, :-)