Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Summary- Rhapsody of summer!

Summer- cicadas clicking and whirring, their noise almost drowning out the whine of a weed-eater, the sky is blue and I'm off swimming in the warm sea soon!

Enough of the rhapsody, here's my summary of the aclweb2.1 challenge.

First, I'm grateful that the challenge is mounted- yes, I improved a lot of my computer skills on the first, but without repetition some items are easily forgotten.

Setting off on aclweb 2.1, reminded me of some skills, but along the way I learnt more. I suppose I could have hunted out Geni and My Heritage sites but, without needing them,I hadn't bothered, yet I have used the sites already at work.

Likewise, I've used various sites to check out books and authors but the ones offered on the course particularly, Book jetty and Book reporter I've already been able to recommend, and use when preparing notes for my radio spot.

The big find for me was Animoto- it was so easy to use and my family are now getting lots of photos in that form- but I do think it could be adapted for work. "Get to know your local library" ; "Story time at the library" "Book Display on topics on the day" etc. I would never have looked for such a site, as I would have presumed the skill required, beyond me.

The other big find was Digg- I quite often miss the news, so to have items of interest, scientific or spoof easily accessible is great.
Thank you aclweb2.1 team!You really are the tops!


1 comment:

ACL web 2.1 said...

Hi Rosenpage
Thanks for completing Web2.1. We hope you had fun learning and are able to share what you have learned with customers, staff, family and friends. On behalf of the Web2.1 administrators Congratulations for completing the programme and your name has been added to the prize draw. Good luck and great job done. We are glad that you have enjoyed yourself!